
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 6

I am Mrs Griffiths, the lucky teacher of Class 6 and I would like to welcome you to our class page! Here is where we will keep you updated on all of the exciting and fun things we have been getting up to during the week. Class 6 are enthusiastic about their learning and they are proud to present their work to you on our website.


Class 6 are also extremely lucky to have Miss Bedson who will be supporting us in the classroom with our learning this year. Miss Bedson will be with us for three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


Why not have a look at our 'Curriculum Page' too  and check out the interesting topics we will be learning about throughout the school year!


This year, PE lessons will take place on a Thursday afternoon and during the first half of the Autumn Term and second half of the Summer Term, we will be travelling to Everton Sports Park for our important Swimming lessons. Pupils are required to have the full, appropriate kits for these activities to ensure they can take part comfortably and safely.


As you know, reading is a huge focus in our school and it can have a fantastic impact on pupils' learning across the different curriculum areas. In class 6, reading records are kept by the children and should be signed by an adult at home at least twice a week. These records are checked by myself every Friday and a 'Reader of The Week' is selected and rewarded for their efforts!


In year 6, homework is of particular importance as pupils will be preparing to sit their end of Key Stage 2 SATs in May next year. The homework will be given out every Friday and is to be returned the following Monday. The purpose of homework is to review the pupils' work from the week but at times may revisit prior learning as a method of revision. Class 6 will also receive additional spelling lists to practise and these words can be located in their reading records where the year 5 and 6 curriculum spellings are listed. If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me.


I look forward to working with you this year!

Class 6 worked with Mr Mills and learnt all about robots and how they function using codes that are input. They then enjoyed putting their own coding skills into action and worked in different teams to create codes for their caterpillars to follow... At the end of the session, the team's combined to form two larger groups who competed in a 'caterpillar dance-off' to see who could create the best synchronised dance using codes! 

Andy Tooze - Poetry Workshop

This week we were very lucky to have Andy Tooze, a famous poet, in school. Andy read lots of his poems and worked with Class 6 to write their own poems about hopes, dreams, fears and ambitions. 

 Everyone wrote fantastic poems and Jason, Izabel and Amber read their poems out in an assembly at the end of the day. 


This week in PSHE, we looked at the Human Rights and recognised the freedom we have. We read 'Dreams of freedom' by Amnesty International, which consists of quotes from various people about their freedom. 
We designed kites and butterflies that show where and when we feel free, how freedom makes us feel and what freedom means to us.
In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. We used spaghetti and mini marshmallows to make our own 3D shapes and then our friends had to identify the number of faces, vertices, edges, lines of symmetry and angles! 

Putting Our Faith in Action

In RE this week we have explored how we can put our faith into action in our community by helping local charities, being kind to our neighbours and being a Good Samaritan.

 We have written acrostic poems, made a jigsaw heart about the community of Liverpool and have written about how love can be reflected through our actions in every day life. We ended our lesson with a Collective Worship, reflecting on our learning in the lesson.

Eggstreme Robbery!

Today the children came in to school to find a crime scene! Someone had crept into the classroom during the night and had stolen all of the children's Easter Eggs! Class 6 explored the evidence, took witness statements and wrote a newspaper report to explain what has happened. We still do not know who has taken them! 

Thumbs Up Transition Workshops

World Book Day!

Class 6 celebrated World Book Day by writing stories using all of the features they have been practising in English. The children were given a picture and the start of a story and the pupils had to continue the story. Connor won a prize for his fantastic metaphors - well done Connor!

 Many children also dressed as a character from a book!

Life Changes

In PSHE the pupils have been looking at the cycle of our lives and how we change from a baby to an elderly person. We read the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and explored how your mobility, knowledge, size and sensibility changes throughout your life. We recorded this on a line graph in groups and shared our thoughts. 

Beowulf - The 'epic' poem!

We have had great fun exploring the epic poem 'Beowulf', conducting research around the language and themes and we were able to make comparisons to our class novel written by Michael Morpurgo. We were amazed at how LONG the modern English translation of the poem was and we even heard the opening lines read from the original manuscript. We can't wait to find out more about the historical Beowulf! 

Global Learning - Gender Equality!

We have been lucky enough to experience a wonderful workshop delivered to our whole school by Liverpool Hope University students who came to teach us all about gender equality. During the assembly and the classroom workshop, we played games, made predictions and explored stereotypes around gender. We learned that male and females are equal and that we can all achieve what ever we want to as long as we work hard and put our minds to it! We began to question our own understanding of gender and the expectations we had and we were able to celebrate the true equality of boys and girls by the end of the day! 

British Transport Police!

Today we met two officers from the British Transport Police who were talking to us about how to be safe and responsible at and around our railways. We held class discussions, watched videos, learned very important lessons and even got to try on some of the Police uniform and equipment! We discovered how fast trains move and how heavy they can be - the equivalent of 80 elephants!! We can now spread the messages that we have learned about railway safety to our friends, peers and school community to make sure that everyone knows how to stay safe! 

As part of our Design Technology project we designed and made our own decorative mosaic tiles. We learnt about the history of mosaics and looked at different examples, we even went to look at the mosaic by the front entrance of our school! 

 We looked at symbols from our work on Buddhism to design and label our tiles in our sketch book. We then made a prototype using paper squares, before making the real tile.

Premier League Primary Stars Poetry Competition!

 Last term the pupils entered a poetry competition held by Premier League Primary Stars. Pupils had to write a poem about resilience and never giving up. 

 Although the winner will not be announced until February, Primary Stars acknowledged the pupils' efforts and sent us a variety of poetry books for our classroom! 

Mr Bedson's World War Two experience

Year 6 were very lucky to receive a visit from Mr Bedson this week, who came to talk to the pupils about his experiences and memories from World War Two. Mr Bedson gave the pupils lots of information to help with their Topic lessons and also brought some photos and old ration books for the children to look at. 


On Tuesday 23rd February pupils visited the Crucial Crew in Bootle. The pupils enjoyed a morning of mini workshops with a theme of keeping safe. The children took part in activities, including First Aid, Road Safety, E-safety, Rail Safety, Electrical Safety and Stranger Danger. 

Making our own videos!

In our Computing lessons this half term the pupils will be making their own promotional video, with the theme of staying safe online. We looked at the pupils favourite adverts and discussed what makes them memorable and effective. The pupils have planned and scripted their promotional videos. The pupils will film, edit and evaluate their videos in the upcoming lessons. 

UNICEF Day for Change

On the 6th February the school will be taking part in activities for the UNICEF Day for Change and our school councilors discussed with their class what we could do on this day. Izabel completed the survey with the class which took everyone's ideas of changes we could make around school. 

Gangs - Get Away N Get Safe

All pupils took part in workshops delivered by James from 'Get Away N Get Safe' which raised awareness to pupils the dangers of being involved in gangs. James shared real life case studies with pupils and advised them on how they can stay safe. Other activities included role play, a quiz, discussions and writing a letter to someone, explaining why they should not get involved in gangs. James commented on how impressed he was with everyone's participation throughout the week, however, Stephen's effort was particularly noticed and he won a voucher - well done Stephen! 

Updating our school library

Jenny, from the Liverpool Learning Partnership had a meeting with the English ambassadors about updating the school library. Jenny and the ambassadors completed an audit of the current library and discussed ideas about things that they could add and change to the new library. They prepared a short survey to complete with each class in Key Stage Two, to gather more ideas. They will now use the results of the survey to design the new school library. 

Dividing decimals using counters

The pupils used counters and a place value chart to divide decimals. The chart helped pupils understand the value of each number and reinforced that the decimal point does not move. 


Childline came in to school to talk to the pupils about what they can do and who they can talk to if something is worrying them. They raised awareness of the Childline charity and their services available. 

Show Racism the Red Card

As a class we read The Island, by Armin Greder and discussed the examples of discrimination that were highlighted in the book. We looked at the 'Show racism the red card campaign' and designed our own red cards to stand up to racism. 

Maths Challenge!

The class took part in a competition in Maths which involved designing a bedroom, with a budget of £800. There were a list of essential items that they had to buy and additional items they could choose with any money left over. The activity required the pupils to work out the area of the wall, floor and window in order to buy the wallpaper, carpet and blinds.

Christmas Disco!

Microorganism Artwork!

In science, we have been exploring microorganisms and have looked at different types of fungi, bacteria and viruses. As a result, the children have produced some vibrant pieces of artwork using paints to represent the the different structures, colours and movements of the microorganisms.

Holy Cross Debate Team! Is commercialism ruining Christmas?

Pupils from Class 6 took on an exciting new challenge, debating with Kirkdale, Saint Lawrence about the impact of commercialism on the true meaning of Christmas. The debate was hosted by Our Lady Immaculate, where the children had the opportunity to meet the other debate teams and share some lunch with them, and the debate itself was chaired by Mr Helm. Our debate team did such an excellent job delivering their points and their counter arguments that they managed to win the debate with a 9 to 1 vote from the pupils at OLI. We are hoping to continue to develop our debating skills and take part in more exciting debates in the future!

Premier League Writing Stars - Poetry Competition *Resilience*

The class have been learning all about resilience, on the pitch and off the pitch. They have worked extremely hard and have produced some excellent poems that explore the meaning and importance of resilience as a life skill, using information that was presented to them during Dave and the LFC team's wonderful assembly. We are submitting our poem entries to the exciting competition and are eager to find out whether we have won any of the fantastic prizes that are up for grabs! 

P.A.N.T.S - Learning all about the NSPCC Underwear Rule!

In their PSHE lesson, the children have been learning about how the PANTS rule can help to keep them safe - we watched the Pantasaurus video and designed our own pants to spread the word and help other children stay informed. The PANTS rule:

Privates are private.

Always remember that your body belongs to you.

No means no.

Talk about secrets that upset you.

Speak up, someone can help. 


D.T project - Have a peek at our delicious gingerbread houses...

The class have worked extremely hard on their DT/cookery project with our school Chef, Katie, designing their houses using inspiration from ICT research, creating their templates for the structure, rolling out and cutting the gingerbread dough and finally decorating their gingerbread structures to complete their mouth-watering masterpieces with vibrant and scrumptious icing and sweets. They look too good to eat! 
Class 6 experienced rowing with vicious Vikings on long ships, fighting in exciting battles and exploring typical Viking settlements using the VR headsets with Mr Mills - it was super fun!

LFC - Premier League Stars - PSHE Values assembly!

50/50 Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Fund Raisers!

The children worked in teams to create events that would raise a profit to help those affected by lung cancer. The challenge was to use the £50 provided by the Roy Castle charity to organise/purchase the things they needed and to make as much money as possible. Class 6's two teams (Firm of the Term and Team 12) raised a total of £400 and did an excellent job of working together to run both the film afternoon with games and refreshments and the tuck shop, selling juice, sweets and doughnuts! We are all very proud of their efforts!

Anti-bullying Week - Class 6 Guardian Angels!

The children once again loved our annual 'Guardian Angel' project! The children and staff each wrote thier names on one of our lovely angel templates and selected a different name at random which was to be kept TOP SECRET! Over the week, the children were challenged to make the person they had chosen feel happy and loved - they did this by leaving little messages of kindness around the class, laying each other compliments and supporting each other in lessons as well as buying small token gifts to put a smile on a face! Everyone incur class felt special for the entire week and everyone put in a fantastic effort! 

Gardening Champions!

Pupils from our class recently won a school gardening competition by designing thier own garden. They put forward their entry which included posters and video clips of our gardening pupils talking about why gardening is so important. They were awarded 1st prize having competed against a number of other schools and won a fantastic £150 for our school!
Micro-organisms! We investigated the gross growth of mould on bread and considered the impact that variables would have on the speed of growth. Some children decided to investigate the impact of light while others decided to focus on bacteria and moisture. By the end of our investigation, our classroom was rather smelly but we had fun making our observations and assessing our predictions as the week went on!

'The Journey' - English & PSHE

The children have been exploring the story 'The Journey', written by Francesca Sanna. Through the text and illustrations, the children have held thoughtful discussions around the sensitive and current topic of refugees. They raised and answered questions about the importance of acceptance and equality and about the responsibility we share as human kind to support and care for one another. They demonstrated empathy towards the characters and put their selves into the shoes of those who have suffered by writing from different view points. 

Harry Potter ... And a surprise visit to the film set of 'Tolkien'!

A day of Franks - Central Library visit

During our visit to Central Library, the English Ambassadors were delighted to meet Frank Cottrell Boyce and listen to an extract from one of his wonderful stories. The children got to hear all about Frank's inspirations and ideas! This was all part of Liverpool School Improvement's Diary writing initiative, in which our pupils took part by reading extracts from Anne Frank's diary. We also had the pleasure of listening to other diary entries and still extracts as well as watching performance poetry from another local school!

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Project - have a look at our display and enjoy reading our fantastic poems based on Bruno's harrowing tale...

Sarah McIntyre - Author and Illustrator!

The children had the great pleasure of meeting Sarah McIntyre at Central Library. They listened to her new story all about pugs and she shared her tips and inspiration for her writing. The children were very excited when Sarah even taught us how to illustrate our very own pugs with an easy step-by-step guide! There were some very interesting and amazing pugs around!

Water Safety Week - Swimming!

The class took part in a water safety session during their weekly swimming lesson where they were instructed to wear pyjamas in the water to get a feel for the difficulty you could face if you were to fall in water fully clothed! They answered questions in a fun quiz about flags at the seaside and discussed the safe and unsafe places to swim. The children had lots of fun and are now all clued up on water safety! 

Road Safety

The whole school participated in a road safety awareness assembly delivered by a road safety officer. We discussed the importance of road safety around our school and our city and we identified different ways in which we can help keep each other safe. Some pupils even had the chance to model some funky fluorescent items that you can wear to make yourself extra visible - especially in the dark, winter months! We finished the assembly with a catchy rhyme that everyone enjoyed sharing. 
Our class, along with year 5, were lucky enough to welcome Erik Eriksson (the Viking!) to our school for an entire day. He taught us all about his civilisation including rules around marriage, roles for men and women and how Vikings got their names. He also brought with him an enormous amount of Viking artefacts for us to explore including clothes, animal furs, jewellery, tools and even instruments which got a chance to play! 

The Prodigal Son Returns - Painting our own interpretations!

After learning all about the parable of the Prodigal Son, we decided to have a go at recreating at our own versions of Rembrandt's painting from 1669. We explored colours, position and expression when sketching and painting our interpretations to express the unconditional love the father felt and the sorrow of the son. 


The class enjoyed playing the 'policia' game to practise the names of the facial features in Spanish - they did a super job at remembering all of the names correctly! 

Science - Classification!

The children have been working hard in science to identify the different characteristics of living things, to help them to classify them into different groups. One group was exploring an exciting range of bugs whilst the other groups were organising their own imaginary zoos! 

Class Trial! Should the Prodigal Son be welcomed back?

Class 6 held a class trial to debate whether or not the Prodigal Son should be welcomed back at the farm by his father. The class were divided into 3 teams: the prosecution, the defence and the jury. Both the prosecution and defence teams put forward excellent arguments but it was later decided by the jury, that the Prodigal Son should be allowed home and would have his welcome feast with his father and friends. The verdict was announced by a nominated speaker - everyone had great fun taking on the roles of a courtroom!

The Beth Tweddle Gymnastics Company!

This afternoon, the children were involved in an assembly delivered by the wonderful Beth Tweddle gymnastics company. They talked about the benefits of gymnastics and how you shouldn't be afraid to try something new as you never know how good you are till you give it a try! They were able to win prizes by answering questions about Beth herself and watched an exciting video of her achievements.

Maths Ambassador Vote - demonstrating our British Values!

Today, the class out the democracy skills into action and voted for the Class 6 Maths Ambassadors! After listening to several excellent speeches made by the candidates, the children used their votes to decide who would be ideal for the job. We also took the opportunity to discuss the importance of having our opinions heard - we all have the right to a voice!
Last week, Classes 4, 5 & 6 visited the exciting Storybarn at Calderstones Park. Although the rain poured down, it did not stop us from having fun! We experienced hunting for different stories amongst the different trees with Redwood and Fernando Firtree, we listened to different versions of the traditional tale 'Hansel and Gretel', we put our drama skills to the test in a conscience alley,  we used our creative skills to interpret and design our own gingerbread houses from the story, before using ink to print in bright, primary colours. Finally we got the opportunity to explore and play around in the magnificent barn itself, full of exciting and mysterious objects and before we left, we all had the chance to have a turn in the thrilling Storybarn slide!  

Introducing our new topic in English ... The children loved exploring the trunk of items and images!
