
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Welcome to Nursery!


Hello, I am Miss Gibson the Nursery Class teacher. Mrs Kavanagh, Mrs Miller, Mrs Rice and I would like to welcome everybody back to nursery and extend a very warm welcome to those who are just beginning their time with us here at Holy Cross. We are looking forward to an exciting fun filled year and hope you and your children are too!

The children have been settling in very well over the past two weeks, making new friends and having lots of fun! However, if you have any specific questions about your child please speak to one of the Nursery team.


Parental involvement

We believe that parents and/or carers play a vital role in their child's education. We will support your efforts at home and provide opportunities for you to engage in your child's education in school.

Our open door policy encourages interaction between yourselves and you child’s key person on a regular daily basis, making the transition from your care to ours much easier.

When families support their children with their learning they make better progress, so we are very keen to get you involved in school life wherever possible.  We encourage parents to bring their child into our setting each morning.  Parents are invited into Foundation Stage each morning from 8.45am, but please leave by 8.55am so that we can start our day.  We hold termly parents evenings and stay and play sessions.



The nursery uniform consists of;

  • Red Holy Cross sweatshirt
  • Navy blue Holy Cross polo T-shirt
  • Navy blue jogging bottoms.

Summer Uniform

  • Blue shorts

All of the above can be purchased from the school office with the exception of jogging bottoms. 

It is important that the children wear sturdy black Velcro pumps in order to gain access to our indoor and outdoor environment.

Children will have access to our outdoor environment regardless of the weather and will be provided with wet suits. We kindly ask that if your child has spare wellies, that they bring them to school.

At Holy Cross we take pride in our uniform and are proud to show that we represent Holy Cross Catholic Primary School! 



We have a morning snack each day at Nursery. The children help to plan and prepare their snack as part of our daily routine. We kindly ask for £5.00 a term to cover the costs of this activity.


We're going on a bear hunt...

We have been reading 'We're going on a bear hunt'.   We have been joining in with the actions and the  repeated refrains in the story.

We decided to go on our own bear hunt and look for the bear.

This helped us to retell the story using the actions and repeating different patterns in the story. We also used our imaginations.

Then we created a 'Talk for Writing' of the story. Finally we were able to orally retell the story using our story map.

Michael Rosen - We're Going On A Bear Hunt

Michael Rosen Performing 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'. This poem comes from 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' (Walker Books).

The Enormous Crocodile- Roald Dahl

As part of our whole school focus on the famous author Roald Dahl, we have been reading the story of the enormous crocodile. He is a very naughty crocodile who wants to eat children. He plays tricks on them to try and eat them but the Mugglewump the monkey, Humpy the hippo, Rolypoly bird and Trunky the elephant help the children by warning them so that they can run away from him just in time.

Our EYFS performance inspired by the Enormous Crocodile

Still image for this video

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

We have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 


We created our own story map and explored the different characters in the story.

We were very shocked to discover that Goldilocks had sneaked into Nursery and eaten our porridge. Mrs Rice was very upset that all of her porridge had been eaten so we decided to make some more to cheer her up. We enjoyed eating the porridge that we had made for our snack too.

Here are some of our favourite characters!

Talk For Writing- Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Still image for this video
We created our own story map of Goldilocks and the Three bears using Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing and acted out our story using our story map. We used actions, connectives, storytelling language and repeated phrases to retell and learn the story.